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Learning OpenCV 4 Computer Vision with Python 3 PDF 下載
匿名網(wǎng)友發(fā)布于:2023-09-29 09:33:40

Learning OpenCV 4 Computer Vision with Python 3 PDF 下載  圖1






Installation on Windows
Windows does not come with Python preinstalled. However, an installation wizard is
available for Python, and Python provides a package manager called pip, which lets us
easily install ready-made builds of NumPy, SciPy, and OpenCV. Alternatively, we can
build OpenCV from source in order to enable nonstandard features, such as support for
depth cameras via OpenNI 2. OpenCV's build system uses CMake for configuring the
system and Visual Studio for compilation.
Before anything else, let's install Python. Go to and
download and run the most recent installer for Python 3.8. You probably want an installer
for 64-bit Python, though OpenCV can work with 32-bit Python too.
Once Python has been installed, we can use pip to install NumPy and SciPy. Open the
Command Prompt and run the following command: